lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths in My Life
3. Our life is different in general with the practice of character strengths because it makes it easier since we avoid several problems by using all the character strengths at all time. We become better persons for the world. We can conclude that its easier to help other people around us, using character strengths.

Character Strengths in My Life
2.I didn't used character strengths when my friend needed me to do something I didn't wanted to do, but it was necessary. If I had used social intelligence, we had never fighted and we could have done the work better.

Character Strengths in My Life
1. A situation in which William successfully showed a character strength with his family and his parents is when he fights with his brother, and he's right, and he uses self control to not scream and to don't yet angry.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

5 tips to use character strengths in school

1.You can apply social intelligence to start getting new friends and keep the ones you already have.
2.You can apply curiosity when your teacher is showing you a topic, and try to investigate more about it by your own.
3.You can apply grit when you fail one exam, to start thinking and studying for the next one.
4.You can apply zest when you don't like a class, but you put enthusiasm to start liking it.
5.You can apply gratitude when someone does a favor or something good for you and you thank him.


miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Students Day
A student that we interviewed that we think applies Character Strengths that make him a good student was Fernando Hernandez.

He said he has optimism and grit, optimism because he sees the things from the bright side and grit because he always ends what he begins, a situation where he had to applied them in school was when he got a bad grade in French and he put a lot of effort and was optimism and had perseverance and he got a better grade.

Student's Day
William thinks he has Grit, Zest, and Curiosity as character strengths. He has Grit because when something does not go as planned, he continues trying until he achieves what he wants. He has Zest because he pays attention to all classes and tries to make everything with enthusiasm. He has Curiosity because when he has an interesting activity, he investigates more about that activity by his own.

I think I have Optimism, Curiosity, and Social Intelligence as character strengths. optimism because when somethings doesn't go as I planned, I try to get the best thing out of it. Curiosity because I always start looking for information about things I want to know and I continue looking for new information from that starting point. Social Intelligence because I've always had a lot of friends because I try to find the same interest between them and me.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Mr. Joel
What we thought were his character strengths were zest, grit, and social intelligence and he taught his character strengths were social intelligence, perseverance and patience, so we were right on our thoughts about him, because he agreed on them, he told us that he uses the character strengths that we put and that he uses more, we think he use more social intelligence and patience when he is giving classes, because he lets us talk and ask questions even if he had already explained the activity and he uses patience when there is someone that really doesn't understand the topics we're reviewing and tries to make it easier for him to understand, we think he is a very good person and a very good teacher, we wish him to have a happy Teacher's Day and we congratulate him for what he has achieved and done.

Mr. Joel
The character strengths he thinks he has are social intelligence, patience and that he is a easy going person, he thinks he has those character strengths because he first hears what the other persons have to say and understand them and then he talks, and because when he don't achieve something at the first try he is patience and keeps trying, a situation where he says the character strengths where developed was when he entered to college, because in there he needed to be like that to have success, and other situations are every day he does to his job, when he stays with his brother, and when he is driving.

Mr. Joel
We think he has Zest that is enthusiasm, because he always gives his classes happy with enthusiasm, and is also always very respectful and he maintains calm.
We think he has Grit that means perseverance, because he always explains us about something we don't understand even if it's not the first time we ask him to explain.
We think he has Social-Intelligence, because he knows how to control a whole group of people and having conversations with the students.

Mr. Joel
He is our French teacher, he likes sports, to watch movies, and to eat, he dislikes the people who yell or scream, and the ones that are rude, impolite, and racist, his favorite activities are to hang out with friends and to listen to music, he studied French for a long time and decided to teach it, he also speaks very fluently English, and we think he is a very good teacher since he had taught us a lot of stuff, and he is funny because he makes very good jokes and he also is very interesting since he has a lot of stories.


lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Like when you discover that your strongest character strength is also the strongest 
of your friend.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths in a book
In the book "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", we see Charlie confront many of his problems by using all types of character strengths. For example, he uses perseverance to overcome the suicide of his friend.
He uses optimism to believe that the world could become a better one thought the things happening are very bad.
He uses social intelligence to maintain his new friends (Sam and Patrick), in trying to quit his shyness and in doing new things.
He uses curiosity to try new things, in going to parties and in writing to his "secret" friend.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Character Strenghts in a Song
In "7 years" the song of Lukas Graham talks about several character strengths like in this paragraph:

                                                                  Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
                                                               "Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."
                                                                               Once I was seven years old

This paragraph talks about having social-intelligence in making friends since you have a young age, it is said that friends become our chosen family.

Other character strength that the song has is in other part like:

                                                                  I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure                      
                                                          Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major

This paragraph talks about perseverance, and in focusing in your goals, in keeping trying to accomplish them seeing that you can do it and in don't believing you cant.

Other character strength that the song show is in other part like:

                                                              It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
                                                           Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker

This paragraph talks about grit, zest and hope because you push yourself to do things that you had never done before or things that are not easy to do, and you try them and you achieve them.


miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths in a Movie
In "The Avengers", we see our heroes join after the attack on the helicarrier to defeat Loki and his army for the future of the planet Earth.
For example:
-They show social intelligence when they finally join as a real team in New York.
-They show perseverance, because they continued fighting although they knew they might fall in the     battle doing all they could.
-Bruce Banner has self-control because he is always mad, but he doesn't let Hulk out.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Curiosity is a strong desire to learn or know something, a search for information for your own, a very important character strength of life, because you can know new things and learn more about a subject with curiosity, some benefits about curiosity are that curiosity exercises your mind, can make us a more enjoyable person and can tell us things we never would have acquired, and you can practice it by searching for things on your own, practicing new things, going to new places, and trying new things.

A famous quote that Albert Einstein said about curiosity.

Hi! Today we are starting a blog about Character Strengths. Me and my partner William will talk about all the Character Strengths that are very important in life during this next weeks. We hope that all the people who read this take part and use all the character strengths in their daily life.