jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

William Yahir Lagunes Huerta


In class they showed us two videos, that were little documentaries that talked about food

and serious problems, for example in one video they showed that 652,486 deaths are

caused by heart disease, and 553,888 deaths are caused by cancer. They also said that 

every fruit and vegetable loses more that 50% of its nutrients in all the way, from were they  

are made until they get to the store where you buy them to eat. Hippocrates said Let 

food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. To me this means that food is like 

medicine and you need food to survive and to be strong, have energy and be 

good. Food is essential for life and is consumed three times a day because of the number 

of nutrients that it has, and on this depends how much exercise you do day, because you 

consume and burn calories, so you need food to get calories againIalso says 

that almost every food is not efficient and not healthy because of the pesticides and all the

toxins and chemicals things that are put into the food that are not natural, and this affects

your health.