jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

William Yahir Lagunes Huerta


In class they showed us two videos, that were little documentaries that talked about food

and serious problems, for example in one video they showed that 652,486 deaths are

caused by heart disease, and 553,888 deaths are caused by cancer. They also said that 

every fruit and vegetable loses more that 50% of its nutrients in all the way, from were they  

are made until they get to the store where you buy them to eat. Hippocrates said Let 

food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. To me this means that food is like 

medicine and you need food to survive and to be strong, have energy and be 

good. Food is essential for life and is consumed three times a day because of the number 

of nutrients that it has, and on this depends how much exercise you do day, because you 

consume and burn calories, so you need food to get calories againIalso says 

that almost every food is not efficient and not healthy because of the pesticides and all the

toxins and chemicals things that are put into the food that are not natural, and this affects

your health.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths in My Life
3. Our life is different in general with the practice of character strengths because it makes it easier since we avoid several problems by using all the character strengths at all time. We become better persons for the world. We can conclude that its easier to help other people around us, using character strengths.

Character Strengths in My Life
2.I didn't used character strengths when my friend needed me to do something I didn't wanted to do, but it was necessary. If I had used social intelligence, we had never fighted and we could have done the work better.

Character Strengths in My Life
1. A situation in which William successfully showed a character strength with his family and his parents is when he fights with his brother, and he's right, and he uses self control to not scream and to don't yet angry.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

5 tips to use character strengths in school

1.You can apply social intelligence to start getting new friends and keep the ones you already have.
2.You can apply curiosity when your teacher is showing you a topic, and try to investigate more about it by your own.
3.You can apply grit when you fail one exam, to start thinking and studying for the next one.
4.You can apply zest when you don't like a class, but you put enthusiasm to start liking it.
5.You can apply gratitude when someone does a favor or something good for you and you thank him.


miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Students Day
A student that we interviewed that we think applies Character Strengths that make him a good student was Fernando Hernandez.

He said he has optimism and grit, optimism because he sees the things from the bright side and grit because he always ends what he begins, a situation where he had to applied them in school was when he got a bad grade in French and he put a lot of effort and was optimism and had perseverance and he got a better grade.

Student's Day
William thinks he has Grit, Zest, and Curiosity as character strengths. He has Grit because when something does not go as planned, he continues trying until he achieves what he wants. He has Zest because he pays attention to all classes and tries to make everything with enthusiasm. He has Curiosity because when he has an interesting activity, he investigates more about that activity by his own.

I think I have Optimism, Curiosity, and Social Intelligence as character strengths. optimism because when somethings doesn't go as I planned, I try to get the best thing out of it. Curiosity because I always start looking for information about things I want to know and I continue looking for new information from that starting point. Social Intelligence because I've always had a lot of friends because I try to find the same interest between them and me.